Source code for sudokutools.generate

"""Create new sudokus.

Functions defined here:
 * create_solution(): Create a complete sudoku without conflicts.
 * generate(): Create a new sudoku.

from itertools import product
from random import shuffle

from sudokutools.solve import bruteforce, is_unique
from sudokutools.sudoku import INDICES, NUMBERS, Sudoku, square_of

    None: lambda r, c: [(r, c)],
    "rotate-90": lambda r, c: [(r, c), (8-c, r), (8-r, 8-c), (c, 8-r)],
    "rotate-180": lambda r, c: [(r, c), (8-r, 8-c)],
    "mirror-x": lambda r, c: [(r, c), (8-r, c)],
    "mirror-y": lambda r, c: [(r, c,), (r, 8-c)],
    "mirror-xy": lambda r, c: [(r, c), (8-r, c), (r, 8-c), (8-r, 8-c)]

[docs]def create_solution(): """Returns a sudoku, without empty or conflicting fields. Returns: Sudoku: The completely filled :class:`Sudoku` instance. """ sudoku = Sudoku() cols = [0, 3, 6] shuffle(cols) c = 0 for i in (0, 1, 2): row = i * 3 col = cols[i] numbers = list(NUMBERS) shuffle(numbers) for row, col in square_of(row, col): sudoku[row, col] = numbers.pop() c += 1 return bruteforce(sudoku, reverse=False)
[docs]def generate(min_count=17, symmetry=None): """Generate a sudoku and return it. Args: min_count (int): Number of fields that must be filled at least. Any number above 81 will raise a ValueError, Any number below 17 makes no sense (but will not cause an error), since unique sudokus must have at least 17 filled fields. symmetry (str): The kind of symmetry that will be created. Possible values are: None (no symmetry), "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "mirror-x", "mirror-y" and "mirror-xy". Returns: Sudoku: The generated :class:`Sudoku` instance. Raises: ValueError, if symmetry is not a valid argument. ValueError, if min_count > 81. """ if min_count > 81: raise ValueError("min_count must be <= 81 (%d was given)." % min_count) solution = create_solution() sudoku = solution.copy() coords = [(row, col) for row, col in product(INDICES, repeat=2)] shuffle(coords) count = 81 try: symmetry_func = SYMMETRY[symmetry] except KeyError: values = ", ".join([str(key) for key in SYMMETRY]) raise ValueError("symmetry must be one of %s" % values) while coords: # get next coordinates to change step_coords = set(symmetry_func(*coords[0])) for row, col in step_coords: coords.remove((row, col)) # break, if this change would set count below min_count if count - len(step_coords) < min_count: break # execute change for row, col in step_coords: sudoku[row, col] = 0 count -= 1 # test, if the change made the sudoku non-unique and revert in this case if not is_unique(sudoku): for row, col in step_coords: sudoku[row, col] = solution[row, col] count += 1 return sudoku